11 September 2024

Commonly Known Falsehoods

Primary prevention increases the psychological resilience of healthy people, ensuring that they become healthy, happy, fulfilled people; it teaches basic skills so that they do not feel the need for substances.

Secondary prevention should take into account the psychological needs of at-risk candidates. Individualized support works very well.

Third prevention is to prevent relapse through post-hospital rehabilitation systems. The success rate is very high with special follow-up systems

Considering that addiction is a “global epidemic”, I wanted to provide you with some basic life skills and 'pill information':

24 Golden Skills essential for a “Happy Life”:
Preventive (Positive) Psychology suggests using core values and developing some skills. 

For example:

1. Open, transparent and honest communication.
2. Building strong and benevolent bilateral and social relationships.
3. 'See the good, think the good, know the bad, but look at the good in everything so that you can enjoy life'.
4. To be able to see the positive and the negative together, to look for positive meaning, to develop a perspective to turn the negative into an opportunity; remember that excessive desire breeds its opposite.
5. Choose passionate, meaningful, lofty and positive life goals.
6. Approach challenges as 'resilience training'.
7. Transform traumas into 'enhancing traumas' with an opportunity dimension rather than a threat dimension.
8. Empathic perspective, getting to know people instead of judging them. 
9. Using compassion rather than hostility.
10. Using forgiveness rather than revenge.
11. Using the feeling of gratitude rather than the habit of complaining.
12. Use gratitude rather than jealousy.
13. Instead of changing the world, we should change ourselves, the greatest freedom is honesty.
14. To find happiness and pleasure in ordinary things, in small achievements.
15. The past cannot be forgotten, it cannot be brought back by punishment, but it can be removed.
16. Believing in higher values is a mental refuge, a source of hope and motivation, choose with your 'mental laboratory' the sacred values that give meaning to your life and remove uncertainty.
17. Even if you can't forgive injustice, don't retaliate; one way of taking revenge is to be successful; it is possible to get rid of the burden by not exercising your right.
18. Working on mistakes makes one a master; every criticism can be an instructor. 
19. Arrogance breeds loneliness, humility breeds social wealth; quiet acts of kindness bring peace of mind and well-being. 
20. To be both successful and happy, know yourself, have a sense of values, and live in moderation, 
always focus on positive goals and keep hope high, so that you can live with your head held high and with dignity.
21. Eat little, sleep little, speak little; ask much, think much, work much.
22. The three most expensive things in the jewellery shop of the bazaar of civilization are compassion, patience and knowing your limits; it takes a lot of effort to acquire them.
23. Lying is a form of theft, stealing your trust capital and the right of others to know the truth. If you put evil in a room, a lie will open the door.
24. Live in the moment, not of the moment, i.e. learn from the past, look to the future but live in the present